Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance™ Materials Available

The Diabetes Prevention Support Center of the University of Pittsburgh is pleased to announce the release of the 2017 Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance Curriculum!


The Diabetes Prevention Support Center is very excited to announce the release of the 2017 revision of the Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance (DPP GLB) curriculum! The DPP GLB curriculum was last updated in 2011. The current 22-session GLB curriculum and manual of operations is a direct adaptation of the original Lifestyle Balance (© 1996) curriculum utilized in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) randomized clinical trial (DPP Research Group, NEJM, 2002). The DPP lifestyle intervention was developed by the Lifestyle Resource Core at the University of Pittsburgh specifically for the trial. To provide clarity and consistency, the 2017 curriculum is referred to as the Diabetes Prevention Program: Group Lifestyle Balance (DPP-GLB).

Several of the modifications to the 2011 curriculum have resulted from feedback provided by previously trained DPP GLB coaches nationally and internationally. Most changes are related to the ongoing evidence-based science of behavioral lifestyle interventions for diabetes prevention, and they also reflect the most recent guidelines provided by major scientific organizations (such as American Diabetes Association, American Heart Association, Society for Behavioral Medicine, American College of Sports Medicine, and others).The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) found that lifestyle changes including healthier eating, physical activity and weight loss were more effective in reducing the incidence of diabetes in persons at high risk compared to participants who received the drug metformin.

Over the last decade, the DPP GLB program has been studied extensively in the community setting, and shown to be effective in promoting weight loss, increasing physical activity and improving risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. For a list of DPP GLB publications, please click here.

Faculty members of the Diabetes Prevention Support Center of the University of Pittsburgh have partnered with Innovative Wellness Solutions™  to offer Lifestyle Coach training in delivery of the Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance™ program.  For more information about training please click here.

To view and download the 2017 DPP GLB curriculum, please click here.