DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ Coach Training

Faculty members of the Diabetes Prevention Support Center of the University of Pittsburgh have partnered with SparkPro Training™  to offer Lifestyle Coach training in delivery of the Diabetes Prevention Program Group Lifestyle Balance™ program. 

The Group Lifestyle Balance™ program was adapted directly from the Diabetes Prevention Program’s (DPP) successful lifestyle intervention by members of the original DPP Lifestyle Resource Core at the University of Pittsburgh. The DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program has been shown to be effective in reducing weight and other risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the community. 

The DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program is an approved curriculum for application to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program. For more information about the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program click here.

SparkPro Training is one of only 12 CDC-approved DPP Lifestyle Coach Training organizations in the US.

GLB WorkshopGroup Lifestyle Balance™ Lifestyle Coach Training Workshops 

The informative and practical two-day DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ training workshop is designed to provide attendees with the background, information, and skills necessary to conduct the healthy lifestyle change program in a wide variety of health care and community settings.

The workshop is provided by experienced University of Pittsburgh faculty from the original DPP team who have been implementing and evaluating the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program in the community for the past decade.  To date the DPSC faculty have trained more than 2,000 health providers to across the United States and internationally to become Lifestyle Coaches.  Training for Lifestyle Coaches is offered through SparkPro Training.

Online Training – Cost $695

The online training can be started and completed on your schedule!  It includes all of the sessions covered in the in-person training, as well as all required materials, review questions and a final assessment.

Continuing Education credit is available for dietitians and pharmacists/pharmacist technicians who are interested in providing the DPP program and who:

  • Complete the entire online training and achieve a passing score on the final assessment
  • Complete the online training evaluation within 2 weeks of the date of training
  • Provide their ID # (CPE Master # and birth date for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians)

Please CLICK HERE for more information and to register for the online DPP GLB Training.

In Person Training – Cost: $725 for the two-day workshop

In addition to the training, all workshop attendees will receive a bound copy of the complete DPP Group Lifestyle Balance Manual of Operations, Fat and Calorie Counter book, pedometer, and self-monitoring booklet. Breakfast, lunch, and refreshments on both days are also included. At the present time we do not have any in-person Lifestyle Coach Training Workshops scheduled.

For more information about training, please contact SparkPro Training at engage@sparkprotraining.com