A Great Gift!

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Most people decide to change the way they eat and exercise for typical reasons. They want to lose weight, feel less sluggish, or take fewer medications. I’m no exception. It started with a regular check-up that showed a blood glucose reading of 100 (just in the pre-diabetic range). When my wife looked over the results she urged me to make some changes. Since the holidays were nearing I told her I would make some health changes in part as a Christmas gift for her. As it turns outs I received the bigger gift!

Two years ago at the age of 56, weighing about 265 pounds, my wife suggested the Group Lifestyle Balance (GLB) Program. As the Director of the Diabetes Institute, she is all too familiar with the GLB program and knew if I made the commitment I would reap the benefits.

Making changes is not that easy. There can be lots of barriers especially with work, family, and travelling. I committed to the program and as a result I came to the realization that exercise is a major part of the overall commitment to maintaining the changes. I tried not to be too hard on myself. Change takes time. If I get off course, I tell myself “don’t get discouraged”, just start up again the next day.

I have a better understanding about calories and how they are associated with the food I eat, especially when it comes to my overall calorie intake. I pay more attention to portion sizes. I found lower calorie (but good tasting) snacks. It was easier to make the changes in a group setting; our group leader was great!

In general, I feel better, I look better, and I take less medication. I’ve been able to resume activities like running and swimming. I have a new perspective and understanding as to how and what I eat. I am trying to integrate the changes I have made during the GLB program into my day-to-day activities. I do not want to go back to “my old self”. Instead, I want to go back to my ‘healthier self’ when I competed in my first sprint triathlon 27 years ago. I would like to repeat that with another triathlon in the near future.

What started out as a Christmas gift to my wife has turned into maintaining a 40 pound weight loss, which is really the best gift for my wife and more importantly for my self!