Accountability Is What I Needed To Reach My Goal

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When going to the doctor I know I’m not alone in hearing those dreaded words, ”You need to lose weight and get more exercise”. Well, in my visit to the doctor I not only heard those words, but he also suggested a program that could help me to achieve those results. He recommended the Group Lifestyle Balance Program, which was being offered right in my doctor’s office.

In addition to achieving weight loss for myself, I also wanted to make positive lifestyle changes for my family as well. As part of the Group Lifestyle Balance Program I attended weekly meetings, bringing my husband along for added support, so we could both benefit from the lifestyle changes that were discussed in the group. We learned about healthy eating, portion sizes, reading food labels, and how to make physical activity part of a regular day.

By the end of the 12-week program I had lost 30 pounds, exceeding the goal the Group Lifestyle Balance Program had set for me. After the program, my blood results revealed a drop in my hemoglobin A1c*.

By achieving a 30 pound weight loss I feel more energetic, more in control, and better able to do more activities with ease. I found the interaction in the group meetings to be real and relevant especially when we discussed issues that are hard to deal with like eating out. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of ideas and suggestions that were presented each week. One aspect of the Group Lifestyle Program that I found very helpful was attending the weekly sessions; they provided the accountability I needed to achieve my goal. The leaders of our small group were so very helpful and knowledgeable. They kept our one-hour class loaded with fun and interesting ideas for us to try every week. I was amazed by how much I learned about the different types of fats, new tastes and different foods, and the instructors helped us add the appropriate amount of activity to our daily routines.

I have maintained my weight loss and have made healthy lifestyle changes for myself and my family. The program has opened my eyes to see that I never needed a diet, what I really needed was a “balanced lifestyle” and that is a change that makes me healthier and happier everyday.

So in the end it was a good thing that my doctor told me I needed to lose weight, because as a result I joined the Group Lifestyle Program and I succeeded!

*An indicator of glucose control