Frequently Asked Questions – For Health Providers
Q: Where can I find the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ materials?
A: Please click here to obtain the DPP GLB Manual of Operations.
Q: May I modify the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ materials?
A: Yes. The GROUP LIFESTYLE BALANCE™ materials may be used, shared, copied and transmitted subject to terms and conditions set forth in the following Creative Commons License: Creative Commons License: Creative Commons – Attribution – ShareAlike 4.0 International.
Q: May I use the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program materials for my non-profit organization?
A: The DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ materials may be copied and used for non-profit groups/organizations for research and education purposes. Please click here for information on use of the materials.
Q: May I use the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program for business, for-profit/commercial use?
A: Yes; please click here for information on use of the materials.
Q: May I apply for the CDC National Recognition Program using the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™program?
A: Yes, the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance one-year program provided on this website is a CDC approved curriculum.
Q: How do I obtain a copy of the GLB DVD?
A: The GLB DVD program is designed to be delivered with trained coach support, so the DVD is not available to the general public; however, the DPSC offers training workshops for health professionals regarding delivery of the GLB program, with information about purchasing the GLB DVD to everyone who attends a training workshop. The DVD set consists of 3 DVDs, each with 4 GLB sessions, and an interactive CD. The DPSC also offers a physical activity DVD, which is a companion to the post-core activity sessions, and information is also provided at the training workshop.
Q: When and where is the next DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ training workshop scheduled?
A: Please click here to obtain the dates and location of upcoming DPP GLB workshops.
Q: What is the cost to attend a DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ training workshop?
A: The cost is $725 for the two-day workshop- this includes a bound copy of the complete DPP GLB manual of operations (leader’s guide and participant handouts), a pedometer, Calorie and Fat tracking book, and breakfast and lunch both days.
Q: Must our organization apply for CDC Recognition before attending the DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ training workshop?
A: It is not necessary that you apply for CDC National Recognition before attending the workshop; however this is strongly encouraged.
Q: Where can I find the original Diabetes Prevention Program materials?
A: Please click here for the link to the DPP website.
Q: How can I obtain access to the Login for DPP GLB Trained Health Professionals?
A: This part of the website is password protected for individuals who have completed Group Lifestyle Balance™ training. If you have completed a DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ training workshop and do not have a username and/or password, please click here to access the login page to obtain your username and password.
Q: How can I find out if there is a DPP Group Lifestyle Balance™ program in my area?
A: Please click here to find out if there is a program in your area.
Q: How do I get in touch with SparkPro Training?
A: Please click here to contact SparkPro Training.