This page provides a summary of copyright, licensing and additional behavioral lifestyle training information related to the Diabetes Prevention Program (as of August 2017). Please contact the DPSC for any questions.
Background: The original DPP intensive lifestyle intervention was developed and copyrighted at the University of Pittsburgh, in 1996, as part of a collaborative multi-center clinical trial with primary funding from the National Institutes of Health-National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases and secondary funding from other federal agencies including the CDC. The main results are included here:
Since this publication, there has been tremendous progress in the translation and dissemination of DPP-derived programs across multiple institutions, including governmental, academic, and other non-commercial and commercial entities.
Diabetes Prevention Program (Copyright © 1996, University of Pittsburgh)
The University of Pittsburgh no longer licenses the original DPP materials for commercial use. Moreover, there is newer program material available (see below). Existing commercial licenses will be honored through their date of expiration. The original DPP materials are freely available at and can be used consistent with the following Creative Commons License:
Diabetes Prevention Program-Group Lifestyle Balance™ or DPP-GLB (Copyright © 2008; 2010; 2011; 2017, University of Pittsburgh)
The DPP-GLB materials can be found here: University of Pittsburgh investigators, responsible for developing the original DPP intensive lifestyle intervention, and other researchers have adapted and evaluated the lifestyle intervention in numerous community contexts (e.g., primary care, hospitals, worksites, military, faith-based, YMCA’s, community centers, senior services, rehabilitation services). Innovations to the original DPP program derive from continuous National Institute of Health, Department of Defense, CDC and other sources of funded research support. Several derivative research studies using DPP-GLB are referenced here for your information:
The University of Pittsburgh released a newly updated version of the 22-session (12 month) program materials and a manual of operations (8/1/17). Licensing information is consistent with the following:
We ask you to reference these citations when documenting use of the DPP-GLB materials.1-3
1Knowler WC, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Lachin JM, et al. 2002. N Engl J Med 346: 393-403.
2Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) Research Group. The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP): description of lifestyle intervention. 2002. Diab Care 25:2165-2171.
3Kramer MK, Kriska AM, Venditti EM, Miller RG, Brooks MM, et al. 2009. Am J Prev Med 37:505-511.
CDC-Prevent T2 (government-produced materials)
The Prevent T2 Curriculum was not developed at the University of Pittsburgh and may be found at
This curriculum is based on the original 2002 DPP trial, and other follow-up studies. These materials were released in January of 2016, and specific data regarding the use of this specific program are not available at present. However, there are participant level data available regarding the National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) efforts referencing the period February 2012 through January 2016.
National Diabetes Prevention Program Recognition:
The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention Diabetes Prevention Recognition Program (CDC-DPRP) determines whether any given program or product meets the stated National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) requirements. Note: The DPP-GLB curriculum has been approved for application to the CDC recognition program and has been used successfully to achieve full CDC-DPRP status. We encourage all organizations using our materials to apply for recognition.
Diabetes Prevention Program-Group Lifestyle Balance™ Training Workshops.
The DPSC faculty at the University of Pittsburgh are available for consultation regarding delivery of behavioral lifestyle interventions. In addition, we work with a third-party licensee to offer training programs for new and more experienced lifestyle coaches (Lifestyle Coach Course and Master Trainer). If you are interested in providing a training workshop for your research project for your organization, please contact Innovative Wellness Solutions .